Thursday, June 2, 2011

personal space final project

amanda and i did our personal space project on campus as mediators and communicators between the mortal and spiritual realms. we set up a very personal space area, beautiful scarves and shawls covered with stones, crystals, bells, sage, incense, oils, candles and more. in our space we offered to read people's fairy cards and help them understand the message the fairies were telling them. before we would do a reading, we would cleanse the individual's self and personal space with burning sage. then they would shuffle as much as they wanted, however they wanted. then amanda or i would read the top card's meaning and affirmation while they held on to our large polished ball of celanite. after the reading, i would bless the individual with the scent of eucalyptus by putting eucalyptus essential oil in my hands, rubbing them and then grazing over the individual's body with my hands (not touching them) so that it would seal the fairy messages into the person's personal space. sage is like fire and eucalyptus is like water. after this, i invited people to have some of the essential oils blend i made to put on their hands, arms, neck, wherever. i made this blend out of unscented aura glow (an oil) with jasmine, rose, frankincense, and lavender. what was amazing is that all of the messages from the fairies were totally applicable to the people's lives or situations. for example, one cute asian girl (she was foreign and thought we were "sooo cool" and asked for our facebooks and stuff [it's funny cuz she totally thought that we were just being ourselves and like that's how we always were]) was on her way to take 2 finals. the message the fairies gave her was to overcome her problems and rise above these challenges. the affirmation totally spoke to her as well! my friend maddy who spotted me came to have her cards read and it said something about new experiences and location. seeing as how maddy left for Thailand a week later, this card and its affirmation were perfect! another example, johnson had just broken his collar bone and his card was about healing! they all rang true! i think our project was really successful, which was made obvious by the amount of strangers who came and participated in our project. it was truly a great experience, i felt really good physically and mentally during and after. :)

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